To guarantee customer satisfaction, we offer free returns for the products within 10 days for domestic orders for some reasons did not meet our customer’s expectations.
You can create a return request right from your customer account.
Return is a scheme provided by Kiyash Healthcare Pvt.Ltd. directly under this policy in terms of which the option of replacement and/ or refund is offered to you. All products listed under a particular category may not have the same returns policy.
For products where the installation is provided by Kiyash Healthcare, please do not open the product packaging by yourself. Kiyash healthcare authorized personnel shall help in unboxing and installation of the product. In this case, the replacement period commences from the date of installation.
For Medical Furniture, any product related issues will be checked by authorized service personnel (free of cost) and attempted to be resolved by replacing the faulty/ defective part of the product. Full replacement will be provided only in cases where the service personnel opines that replacing the faulty/ defective part will not resolve the issue.